Canadian Club Whisky 50ml
Canadian Club Whisky 50ml
Usually ships within 24 hours.
The original light and versatile blended whisky, Canadian Club is the only Canadian whisky blended before aging in white oak barrels. This allows the flavours of the rye, rye malt, barley malt, and corn to marry, giving CC its unique, smooth taste. Canadian Club is ideal for any occasion and goes perfectly with your favourite mixer.
Discover the ultimate convenience in alcohol gifting and delivery with TAG Liquor Stores. Whether you're treating yourself or surprising someone special, our seamless liquor delivery service caters to every occasion. From exquisite wine delivery, premium whiskey, and Scotch, to celebratory champagne and tequila, we've got you covered across Canada. Elevate your corporate gifting experience or make personal moments unforgettable, all with nationwide delivery at your fingertips. Choose TAG Liquor Stores for all your alcohol delivery needs.
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