19 Crimes Cali Red 750ml
19 Crimes Cali Red 750ml
Usually ships within 24 hours.
19 Crimes is defiant by nature, bold in character and always uncompromising. We are proud to partner with entertainment icon, Snoop Dogg, who embodies all these qualities, and more, through hard work and perseverance. Snoop Dogg is a culture creator, innovator and a leader in pop culture. Dark purple with rich berry nose: Ripe black fruit, accented with distinct, smoky, American oak aromas of vanilla and hazelnut. On the palate: Full and dense, with strong black and blue fruit from the Petite Sirah, complemented by bright red, slightly candied fruit inthe background from the Zinfandel. The dark toasted oak integrates these flavors and finishes on a slightly sweet note.
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